Your memory will be put to the test as you must replay the same sequence until you get it right, and you must have lightening fast reactions, otherwise you will, once again, die. You will die over and over again, as there is only ever one correct way/answer. The timing determines whether you live or die, in a feature-length quick time game which is incredibly unforgiving. The template is the same throughout the trilogy: each game consists of dozens and dozens of small scenes in which you must move the thumbstick in the right direction or press the fire button at the right time.
You’ll be travelling through caves and dungeons, different planets and even through time itself, fighting a crazy variety of enemies along the way. In each game you take control or Dirk The Daring (Dragon’s Lair I/II) or Dexter (Space Ace) and your quest is to save the beautiful Princess Daphne (Dragon’s Lair I/II) or Kimberly and defeat the evil Singe (Dragon’s Lair I/II) or Borf (Space Ace). The Dragon’s Lair Trilogy consists of Dragon’s Lair, Dragon’s Lair II: Timewarp and Space Ace.